Two plastic bottles for children's design toiletries

Family Product Turma da Monica

Packaging supplier: Packing Design (Brazil)

Turma da Monica offers a wide range of personal care products for children aged 3 to 9 years. Now the company has introduced innovative packaging concepts to help mothers bathe their children more smoothly. This package has a unique shape inspired by children's toys. In addition, the soft touch and safe material of the bottle also make it easier for children to clench, even without worrying about the harm that the biting will bring to the children. The packaging and bottle caps are integrated so that parents do not have to worry about children being swallowed.

Mother & child dispensing bottle

Packaging supplier: RAP Products International (South Africa)

The original intention of developing this package was to enable mothers and their children to use together. Four separate vials are surrounded by a larger bottle, and the emulsion in the vial can be filled by squeezing the sprayer on top of the large bottle. When used up, each small package can be easily unscrewed Sprinklers, refilled.

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Ceramic Bird Feeder

Material: Ceramic bird feeders are made from clay that is kiln-fired to create a durable and weather-resistant container. Ceramic is an excellent choice for bird feeders because it is sturdy, easy to clean, and provides insulation to keep bird food dry and fresh.

Design: Ceramic bird feeders come in a variety of designs, ranging from simple and traditional to elaborate and decorative. They may feature whimsical shapes like animals, flowers, or geometric patterns, adding charm and personality to your garden. Some feeders are hand-painted with vibrant colors and intricate details to enhance their visual appeal.

Construction: The construction of a ceramic bird feeder typically consists of a main feeding chamber or tray where birdseed is placed, surrounded by perches or platforms for birds to land and feed. The feeder may have multiple feeding ports or openings to accommodate several birds at once.

Size: Ceramic bird feeders come in different sizes to accommodate various bird species and feeding preferences. Some feeders are compact and designed for small birds like finches or chickadees, while others are larger and can accommodate larger birds like cardinals or blue jays.

Hanging or Mounting: Ceramic bird feeders can be hung from trees, hooks, or bird feeder poles using built-in loops or chains. Some feeders come with mounting brackets or stakes for secure installation in the ground or on a flat surface like a deck or patio.

Easy to Clean: Ceramic bird feeders are easy to clean and maintain, requiring only occasional rinsing with water and mild soap to remove dirt, debris, and bird droppings. It's essential to clean the feeder regularly to prevent the buildup of mold or bacteria that can harm birds.

Weather Resistance: Ceramic bird feeders are generally weather-resistant and can withstand exposure to sunlight, rain, and freezing temperatures without cracking or fading. However, it's a good idea to bring the feeder indoors during extreme weather conditions to prolong its lifespan.

Attractiveness to Birds: The design and placement of a ceramic bird feeder can influence its attractiveness to birds. Placing the feeder in a quiet, sheltered area with nearby vegetation for cover can help attract a variety of bird species. Additionally, using high-quality birdseed or offering a variety of food options can entice birds to visit the feeder regularly.

Overall, a ceramic bird feeder is a charming and practical addition to any garden or outdoor space, providing a welcoming environment for birds while adding beauty and interest to your landscape.

Bird Feeder,Glazed Ceramic Bird Feeder, Pottery Bird feeder,Ceramic Bird Feeder

Yixing Bocai Pottery Co.,Ltd ,