China's top ten healthy home board hundred treasures to decrypt the identification of good plates

〖Site〗 Consumers ask: “How to choose environmentally-friendly plates when purchasing plates?” Baibao’s staff said that it is easy to select through “one look, two touches, three trips, four smells”.


〖Decryption〗 A look : the appearance should be flat and no defects, the logo should be complete. The quality of the sheet surface should be smooth and flawless. If there is no dead knot, excavation, leakage, etc., there is no seaming phenomenon, especially the cracking phenomenon at both ends. Place it upright, the corners should be straight, and the diagonal error should not exceed 6 mm.



Two touches : The whole package of plates is completely fitted between each plate. Touch the surface by hand, the high-quality sheet should be dry, smooth and smooth.


Sancha: Listening to the sound when picking up the board, there is a "cracking" sound to indicate that the bonding strength is not good; lift one end of the board, smash it, the high quality sheet should have a thick feeling. Of course, this heavy induction is under the premise of dry hand, otherwise the dryness is not enough. Then use a sharp-nosed instrument to gently tap the surface of the board to hear if there is a difference in the sound. If the sound changes, there is a void inside the board. The existence of voids will weaken the overall bearing capacity of the sheet, and the long-term uneven force will make the structure twist and deform.



Four smells: Urea-formaldehyde glue is generally used when the board is spliced ​​and bonded to the panel, and the formaldehyde currently mentioned is actually emitted from the glue. Therefore, the main difference between environmentally friendly and inferior plates is the quality of the glue: if the environmentally friendly glue is used, only the smell of the natural wood after drying will be smelled at the purchase site, and the smell of formaldehyde will not be smelled; A pungent odor indicates a high formaldehyde release, so it is best not to choose.

Another point is the inherent quality. First of all, we must check whether the material filled in the material is dense, whether there are obvious gaps and decaying wood strips. There may be eggs in the decaying wood strips, and insects will occur in the future.






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If you want to be environmentally friendly, choose a hundred treasures.

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