Where can baby's bed be placed?

Where is the crib suitable for placement

Which pair of baby cribs should be placed on, but also can not occupy the convenience of it?

1. Place the crib next to the wall or about 50 cm from the wall. This is because some infants are left behind and suffocated by being trapped between the wall and the bed.

2. When the baby is young, it can be placed not far from his bedside, which is convenient for breastfeeding and convenient for baby care. But pay attention to your bed of clothing do not slip into the crib, cover your baby's eyes and nose, resulting in infection or severe words cause suffocation.

3, can not be placed under strong light, if you let the light (such as sunlight) directly shine on the baby's face, the light of the eyes will be reflectively picked up, over time will cause a side of eyelid drooping or habitual blink.

4, to maintain the surrounding environment of the baby bed hygiene, indoor air circulation, but should not be placed in the vents, the baby will catch a cold.

5, do not put it close to the heating body or a curtain, fabric hanging down the line where the baby to avoid injury.

Buy a comfortable and safe baby bed with baby's healthy growth!

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